Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Feeling sooooooooo tired and emotional and somewhat cranky.  There are certain foods I really want to eat and others I just have to stay away from.  I have had some slight nausea but nothing too bad.
This weekend I had a surprise birthday party for M and some of my friends busted me, found my prenatal vitmins and even though I was wearing a baggy t-sirt loose jeans and a cooking apron they could tell, so due to circumstances beyond our control close family and a few friends know we are prego and they were so happy.  It is exciting and overwhelming I feel like there is so much to do, (de clutter the house, orgainize paperwork, and many other things on my to do list)  and I dont have any energy to it...  hope my energy levels get better soon..


  1. I totally understand, I have had zero energy to do anything! J has been picking up the slack, and I feel bad, but I just can't muster the energy right now. That's so funny that your family and friends caught on, despite your best intentions! Can't fool the fam!

  2. Oh, you should try the ginger gum! I found it at Rite Aid, in the medicinal aisle. It was next to the nausea syrup and Sea Band wrist band. I've also found that apple jolly ranchers are helping too.
